what is Black hole ? Do they really Exit ? Is time travel possible through black hole? know your all answers.

What is Black hole? Do they really Exit? Is time travel possible through black hole?

Today we will clear your all Curiosity about black hole, so let’s discuss……

Introduction of a Black Hole

For most of human history, the true nature of the universe was shrouded in myth and mystery. About 400 years ago, scientists began unravelling those mysteries. Their efforts were so successful that American physicist Albert Michelson wrote in 1894, “The more important fundamental laws and facts of physical science have all been discovered, and these are now so firmly established that the possibility of their ever being supplemented in consequence of new discoveries is exceedingly remote." William Thomson, Baron Kelvin, perhaps that era's most famous physicist, echoed Michelson: "There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement." Both men were wrong. Within a few years, scientists had revealed the makeup of the tiny atom and the unexpected vastness of outer space. Yet the universe doesn't yield its mysteries Easily, and much remains to be discovered.

  • Black holes are the "new kids on the block" in this hall of scientific mysteries, as scientists began studying them only a few decades ago. They present a unique problem – they can't be observed. To see anything, we need light. But the pull of gravity inside black holes is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. As a result, scientists have to use special tools to investigate black holes. Even today, people can't say with absolute certainty that black holes exist. However, they remain some of the most tantalizing and fascinating of all the universe's mysteries.

What causes black holes to form and give them this almost inconceivable gravity?

When a star begins to collapse, the hydrogen it burns begins to decline in the same manner as air leaking out of a balloon. The star can no longer resist gravity with as much force as it used to. At its peak, the star might have been millions of miles in diameter. Now the remaining material becomes packed into an area just a few miles wide. The gravity of the mass becomes continuously stronger until nothing can escape its pull. It becomes a black hole.
  • Another theory is that black holes are created when giant stars explode. If a star with more than three times the mass of the sun explodes to form a supernova, the force of the explosion can hurl a huge cloud of matter deep into space. At that point, gravity takes over and compresses what remains of the exploded star into an incredibly dense mass, forming a black hole.

    A super massive Black Hole in Milkyway Galaxy Center
  •  A black hole is so powerful that it even bends space around itself. If you were to put a bowling ball in the middle of a blanket, and you held on to two corners, while a friend held on to the other two, the flat blanket would bend around the heavy mass in its centre. Black holes' mass cause them to function in much the same way.

Is time travel possible through Black Hole?

Well but first you have to know “what would happen if somebody tries to go into black Hole?”

  • Black hole has so much gravitational Forces so that is so challengeing even it's impossible because black hole mainly situated in light year far away. so we need lighting speed to go there but sitll now we have no any technology that can travel into space. 

Even horizon and Singularity of a Black Hole

  • Theoretically, you could get close to the event horizon without being in danger. You could even orbit it. But if you were not careful, you could get sucked in. For a brief period, you wouldn't feel anything because you would be in free fall. Then gravity would take over, and your feet would accelerate more rapidly than your head. Your body would begin to stretch. Soon you would become much taller and resemble a piece of slender pasta, which is why this process is referred to as "spaghettification." Your body wouldn't be able to withstand such violent changes, and it would snap in two, probably around your stomach. That would set off a chain reaction in which your two halves would quickly snap in half again. Those four parts would become eight and so on until the disintegration. 

  • So now we have got already that it’s impossible to go there. Maybe it could be possible in future but any technology did not discovered still now. So we are unable to go into the black hole through our present technology.

  • So time travel is impossible still now but I believe that one day our pride scientist will be able to bring new technology that could be possible to time travel.

Science Breakthrough of 2019.
Scientist Newly Has found a Black hole.The Event Horizon Telescope, a planet-scale array of eight ground-based radio telescopes forged through international collaboration, captured this image of the supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy M87 and its shadow.

Fact About Black Hole
"Black hole can't be observed. You need light to see, but Black Hole are the absence of light"

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